Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on the Hydraulics of Ice Covered Rivers (1997)

Fredericton, New Brunswick

Variation of Climate and Streamflow Over the Saint John River Basin Since 1872

F. K. Hare, R. B. Dickison and S. Ismail
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Internet Video Monitoring of Ice Boom Performance

R. Crissman and L. Lalumiere
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Lake Winnipeg Regulation – Ice Stabilization Program

H. Zebigniewicz
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Operation of Peaking Hydropower Plant in Winter: Estimating Downstream Water Surface Profile and Release Constraints

S. Daly, A. Tuthill and R. McGilvary
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Headpond Ice Jams – Where Will They Occur?

D. Judge, S. T. Lavender, R. Carson and S. Ismail
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The Effect of Uncertainty in Ice Roughness of Equilibrium Ice Thickness and Stage

K. White and S. Daly
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Fluid Resistance of Rubble Field of Ice

F. Hara, F. Kawai, H. Kinoshita, H. Saeki and H. Yamaguchi
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Factors of Influencing Ice Conveyance at River Confluence

R. Ettema, M. Muste and A. Kruger
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Breakup Ice Control Structure for the Salmon River in Connecticut

A. Tuthill and K. White
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Field Measurements of Anchor and Frazil Ice

K. Hirayama, K. Terada, M. Sato, K. Hirayama, M. Sasamoto and M. Yamazaki
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Ice load Measurements on the Lake Erie-Niagara River Ice Boom: 1996-97

B. Cowper, R. Abdelnour, Y. Gong and R. Crissman
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Ice Bridges: Theory and Design

M. S. Troitsky
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Effects of Climate on River Ice Breakup and Jamming

S. Beltaos
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Anchor Ice Formation and Growth on Gravel Channel Bed

D. Kerr, H. T. Shen and S. Daly
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Extreme Frazil and Bottom Ice Formation Causing Ice Problems in a Regulated River

R. Asval
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Design Method to Counter Abrasion of Hydraulic Structures due to Ice Sheet Movements

F. Hara, K. Ohshima, M. Hanada. M. Ujihira, H. Tachibana and H. Saeki
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Experimental Study on the Process of Ice Jam Development

T. Kawai, F. Hara, S. Masaki, A. Nishihata and H. Saeki
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Ice Jam Progression on the Upper Saint John River

J. Zufelt, A. Tuthill and J. Stanley
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A Comparison of the ICEJAM and RIVJAM Ice Jam Profile Models

D. Healy, F. Hicks and S. Beltaos
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Evolution of the “ICEJAM” Model

R. Carson and J. Groeneveld
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Modeling an Ice Jam Release Surge on the Saint John River, New Brunswick

F. Hicks, K. McKay and S. Shabayek
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Effects of River ice on Bank Morphology and Riparian Vegetation along Peace River Clayhurst to Fort Vermilion

L. Uunila
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Trends in River Ice Cover in Atlantic Canada

W. Brimley and C. Freeman
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Ice Jam Flood Mechanisms on the Porcupine River at Old Crow, Yukon Territory

M. Jasek
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Ice Conditions in the Southwest Miramichi River and its Possible Influence on Winter Movement of Post-Spawned Atlantic Salmon

D. Caissie, S. Douthwright, R. Cunjak and B. Burrell
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The Limitations Imposed by Winter Ice on Potential Grow-out Sites for the Surf Clam Spisula Solidissima

A. Boghen and A. St-Hilaire
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Temporal Variation of Physical Parameters in the Lower Restigouche Estuary, During the Ice-Covered Season

M. Clement, and A. St-Hilaire
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Winter Habitat Availability for Salomonids in Newfoundland Streams – A Comparison Between Stream Orders and Habitat Type

D. Scruton, K. Clarke, F. Bowdring and C. Pennell
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Influence of ice cover and Sediment Temperature on Intertidal Benthic Inverterates on the Windsor Mudflat, Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy

V. A. Partdidge
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