The Committee’s three prestigious awards recognize the exemplary work of researchers and practitioners in the field of river ice engineering and science.

Bernard Michel Award
The Michel Award was established by the Committee in 2001 to recognize and remember the contributions made to the field of river ice engineering by Dr. Bernard Michel. This medal honours eminent river ice engineers and scientists who have made outstanding and sustained contributions to the advancement of river ice science and engineering in Canada.

Kersi S. Davar Award
The Davar Award was established by the Committee in 2009 to recognize and remember the contributions made to the field of river ice engineering by Dr. Kersi S. Davar. The medal is awarded to professional engineers and scientists who have demonstrated knowledge of river ice engineering and science in a practical application that benefits human society.

R. (Larry) Gerard Medal
The Gerard Medal was established by the Committee in 1991 to recognize and remember the contributions made to the field of river ice engineering by the late Dr. R. (Larry) Gerard. The medal is awarded to the author or authors of the paper deemed to be the best amongst those presented at each Workshop on the Hydraulics of Ice Covered Rivers.