Proceedings of the 22nd Workshop on the Hydraulics of Ice Covered Rivers (2023)
Canmore, Alberta
Session 1: Ice and Climate Change
Assessment of Changes in Open versus Ice-influenced Annual Maximum Water Levels in select Canadian Rivers
Y. Dibike, L. de Rham, S. Beltaos, D.L. Peters, B. Bonsal
2.41 MB
Investigation of Trends in River Ice in Manitoba, Canada
Lucas Wazney, Fuad Curi, Pouya Farokhzad
2.13 MB
St. Lawrence River ice conditions: historical data and plausible future scenarios
Denise Sudom, Paul Barrette
1.31 MB
Trends in Ice Conditions for Rivers in Ontario – Follow up
Fuad Curi, Pouya Farokhzad
487.30 KB
Session 2: Student Session A – Numerical Modelling
Two-dimensional modelling of ice dam growth and release processes at Sundance Rapids
Madison Stafford, Karen Dow, Jarrod Malenchak
Student Paper
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Evaluating a CFD model for three-dimensional simulation of ice structure interaction
Hanif Pourshahbaz, Tadros Ghobrial, Ahmad Shakibaeinia
Student Paper
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A Numerical Study of Flow Beneath Floating Ice Blocks
Armin Hajighasem Kashania, Peng Wu, Yee-Chung Jin
Student Paper
866.84 KB
Modelling Freeze-up Processes in a Small-Steep-Regulated River
Heyu Fang, Yuntong She, Mark Loewen, Benoit Turcotte, David Andres
Student Paper
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Session 3: Student Session B – Thermal Processes
Assessing heat flux formulas used in the full energy budget model for rivers during freeze-up
Jiaqi Yang, Yuntong She, Mark Loewen
Student Paper
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Monitoring the formation and growth of lake ice under heavy snowfall
Arash Rafat, Homa Kheyrollah Pour
Student Paper
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Laboratory study of frazil ice particle and floc evolution under increased heat flux during supercooling
Chuankang Pei, Yuntong She, Mark Loewen
Student Paper
5.22 MB
Comparison between reanalysis and local weather data for estimating pre-break-up heat fluxes into the ice cover
Sean Boyd, Tadros Ghobrial, Mark Loewen
Student Paper
1.14 MB
Session 4: Student Session C – Advances in River Ice Engineering
Comparison of seasonal and year-long calibration approaches for hydrological modelling of winter discharge on the Chaudière River, Quebec
Kh Rahat Usman, Tadros Ghobrial, François Anctil
Student Paper
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Frazil Ice Measurements Using the Four-Frequency AQUAscat Sonar
Leila Shoorangiz, Shawn Clark
Student Paper
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Investigating the Effect of Incoming Ice Supply Rate on Hanging Dam Formation
Randula Senarathbandara, Shawn Clark, Karen Dow
Student Paper
1.07 MB
Experimental investigation of border ice effect on bedform development
Mina Rouzegar, Shawn Clark
Student Paper
797.51 KB
Progress in the development of an operational testbed using Delft-FEWS for river ice forecasting on the Chaudière River, Quebec
Rodolfo Alvarado Montero, Kh Rahat Usman, Tadros Ghobrial, Arnejan van Loenen
Student Paper
1.94 MB
Session 6: Remote Sensing Applications
Use of NASA CERES satellite data to calculate the net heat flux of the Dauphin River during supercooling
Vincent McFarlane, Kyla Lim, Shawn Clark
1.15 MB
Evaluating aerial drone based remote sensing technologies to document and measure fluvial ice covers
Jason Duguay, Mélanie Trudel, Antoine Pruneau, Lucie Goethals, Jay Lacey
2.67 MB
Towards a comprehensive assessment of hydrokinetic resource assessment in ice covered Canadian rivers using remote sensing
Saber Ansari, Jinxing Huang, Tabitha Takeda, Torsten Geldsetzer, Joost Van der Sanden
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Session 7: Monitoring, Forecasting, and Case Studies
Update on Breakup Forecasting and Ice Management with Lessons Learned from the February 2022 Churchville Ice Jam
Jeff Wong
1.51 MB
Ice Jamming on the Severn River near Bearskin Lake First Nation: 2019 Case Study and Assessment of Future Flooding Potential
Lucas Wazney, Rick Carson
1.96 MB
Remotely Monitoring NWT Ice Road thickness with SIMBA and Beadedstream Dataloggers and Thermistor Sensors
Michael Lynch, Jerry English, Dustin Dewar, Kyle Little
1.50 MB
Ice Jam Assessment and Town of Golden Ice Monitoring System (Kicking Horse River)
David Kushner, Katy Curtis
3.02 MB
Session 8: Peace River Basin
The 2022 Flooding of the Peace-Athabasca Delta: Extent, Magnitude, Hydrology, and Historic Context
Kevin Timoney, Martin Jasek
2.70 MB
The 2022 Dynamic Mid-Winter Breakup on the Lower Little Smoky River, Alberta In the Context of A Historical Mid-Winter Breakup
Jennifer Nafziger, Aleezah Arif, Alyssa Sandeman
2.24 MB
Ice Jam Flood Frequency Analysis for the Peace-Athabasca Delta: Refining Projections by Modeling Historical Uncertainty
Jonathan Lamontagne, Martin Jasek
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Insights from the 2022 mechanical breakup of the lower Peace River and contribution to flooding of the Peace-Athabasca Delta
Martin Jasek
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Using logistic regression to identify the key hydrologic controls of ice-jam flooding near the Peace-Athabasca Delta: assessment of uncertainty
Spyros Beltaos
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Session 9: Frazil, Freeze-up, and Mid-Winter Ice Processes
Field investigation of the effectiveness of mitigation measures for water intake blockage by ice
Amandine Pierre, Tadros Ghobrial, Sean Boyd, Mark Loewen
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Modelling freeze-up ice covers along the Exploits River, Newfoundland
Karl-Erich Lindenschmidt, Mohammad Ghoreshi, Paul Barrette, Amir Ali Khan
1.28 MB
Controls on aufeis formation: lessons from a small Yukon stream
Ashley Dubnick, Benoit Turcotte, Mederic Girard, Stephanie Saal
1.13 MB
The National Research Council of Canada’s Large-Scale Frazil Ice Facility
Robert Briggs, Fabien Souille, Stephen Keats, Bradley Butt, Vandad Talimi, Martin Richard
2.79 MB
Session 10: Ice and Structures and Modelling
Ice Regime Characterization Before, During, and After Construction of the Muskrat Falls Project
Joe Groeneveld, Kevin Lees, Greg Snyder, Daniel Damov, Scott O'Brien
2.16 MB
Extending a stochastic modelling framework for ice-jam flood predictions with machine learning
Apurba Das, Karl-Erich Lindenschmidt
675.17 KB
Using Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation method for river ice jam calculations with HEC-RAS
Niklas Dahlberg, Juha Aaltonen, Mikko Huokuna
551.55 KB
Session 11: Posters
Evaluation of hydro-meteorological and geometric criteria for forecasting the onset of breakup
Ehab Zidan, Tadros Ghobrial, Yuntong She
373.46 KB
Investigating Anchor Ice Formation and Release Events at the Outlet of Clark Lake
Samantha Wilson, Karen Dow, Jarrod Malenchak
432.76 KB
Defining design ice jam water levels in rivers of northwestern Canada: limitations and recommendation
Benoit Turcotte
416.64 KB
Towards optimizing preventative ice weakening work in the province of Quebec
Sara Azargashb Lord, Tadros Ghobrial
1.47 MB
Ice Concerns for A River Intake near The Lower Boundary of Cold Regions in North America
Edward Kempema, Robert Ettema, John Sikora
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A Web-Based Ice Jam Profile Model
Tyler Hoekstra, Julia Blackburn, Yuntong She, Weichen Qiu, Samer Adeeb
98.90 KB
Open-water calibration of a CRISSP2D model of a multi-channel fluvial island system on the Assomption River in Quebec
Mathieu Fouquet, Jason Duguay, Victoria Litalien, Mélanie Trudel, Jay Lacey
7.72 MB
Session 12: Frequency, Hazard, and Risk
Ice Jam-Induced Flood Vulnerability Assessment in a Multi-Channel Deltaic Stream. Case Study: Lower Moose River, Ontario
Soheil Zaré, Jason Shaw, Ian Knack, Joe Groeneveld, Tom Lavender
6.23 MB
Ice-jam flood hazard assessment methodologies
Karl-Erich Lindenschmidt, Andrew Weiss, David Brown
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