Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on the Hydraulics of Ice Covered Rivers (2007)
Québec City (Québec)
2005-06 ice jam flooding, Kaministiquia River near Fort William Historical Park
S. Beltaos, P. Boyle and K. Hryciw
1.37 MB
Analyse de risqué d’inondation par embâcle á Châteauguay
M. Leclerc, P. Boudreau, F. Morneau, Y. Secretan et T. Ouarda
1.24 MB
Le phénomène d’hiver sur les rivières de la Roumanie – L’évolution des barrages de glace du basin hydrographique supérieur de la rivière de Bistrita
D. Stefanache
1.02 MB
Un otil pour la concertation des experts et la coordination des actions gouvernementales lors d’embâcles at d’inondations au Québec
D. Fortin
119.99 KB
Numerical Study of Ice Conditions, Ice Dynamics and Ice Pressure Events near the Gros Cacouna Site in the St. Lawrence Estuary (winters 1996/97 through 2002/03)
S. Senneville, F. Saucier, B. Wright and J. Tseng
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Contrôle et télésurveillance de la glace dans le Saint-Laurent
L. Dupuis, S. Dumont et M. Choquette
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Estimation of River Ice Thickness Using Artificial Neural Networks
K. Chokmani, B. Khalil, T. Ouarda and R. Bourdages
266.17 KB
A controlled experiment to retrieve river ice characteristics from an FMCW radar system
R. Leconte, S. Daly, Y. Gauthier, N. Yankielun, F. Bérubé and M. Bernier
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River ice monitoring from space; advances in satellite SAR technology and effects on application potential
J. van der Sanden
99.49 KB
Operation Integration of Earth Observation Technology and Ice Modelling for Flood Forecasting
T. Puestow, C. Randell, K. Rollings, A. Khan and R. Picco
109.78 KB
Quantitative validation of RADARSAT river ice maps
H. Drouin, Y. Gauthier, M. Bernier, M. Jasek, O. Penner and F. Weber
3.70 MB
Effect of winter harshness on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) egg to fry (0+) and fry to parr (1+) over-winter mortality
J.-F. Bisaillion, N. Bergeron and F. Caron
212.14 KB
CRREL’s Ice Jam Database and Website
P. Weyrick, K. White, S. Daly, M. Bullock and J. Gagnon
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River-ice effects on the estimation of the annual low flow in un-gauged cold-region basins
S. Hamilton and P. Saso
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Instrument for Detecting Suspended and Surface Ice Runs in Rivers
M. Jasek and J. Marko
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Using the FRAZIL system in support of winter river flow modeling
Y. Gauthier, L.-M. Paquet, A. Gonlazez, F. Hicks, R. Andrishak and M. Bernier
896.13 KB
Habitat use of Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar L.) during winter
E. Enders, M. Stickler, C. Pennell, D. Cote, K. Alfredsen and D. Scruton
267.66 KB
Application of Ground Penetrating Radar for River Ice Surveys
D. Healy, C. Katopodis and P. Tarrant
452.28 KB
Evaluations of Reservoir Storage Loss Due To Grounded Ice During Winter Operation
O. Seidou, T. Ouarda and L. Bilodeau
469.44 KB
Ice Jam and Response Mitigation: The Need for Cooperative Succession Planning and Knowledge Transfer
K. White, F. Hicks, S. Beltaos and G. Loss
71.15 KB
Observed Climate Variability Impacts on River Ice in the United States
K. White, A. Tuthill, C. Vuyovich and P. Weyrick
491.61 KB
Experimental Investigation of the Pressure Distribution beneath a Floating Ice Block
K. Dow, F. Hicks and P. Steffler
265.06 KB
Tests of Numerical Models of Ice Jams – Phase 3
R. Carson, J. Groeneveld, D. Healy, Y. She, J. Malenchak, M. Morris, J.-P. Saucet, T. Kolerski and H.T. Shen
528.12 KB
Selective withdrawal to reduce regulation effects on ice cover downstream outlet of the Alta power plant
R. Pytte Asvall
1.90 MB
Ice Jams, Contaminated Sediment, Dam Removal, and Bridge Scour on the Clark Fork River, Montana
A. Tuthill, K. White, C. Vuyovich and L. Daniels
446.53 KB
Frazil-ice flooding and potential mitigation: Moira River at Belleville
S. Beltaos, M. Hulley, B. Keene and E. Watt
1.16 MB
Frazil Ice Concerns For Channels, Pump-Lines, Penstocks, Siphons, and Tunnels in Mountainous Regions
R. Ettema and G. Kirkil
732.27 KB
Modeling anchor ice presence-absence in gravel bed streams
J.-F. Bisaillon and N. Bergeron
380.79 KB
Effect of turbulence intensity on frazil flocculation and secondary nucleation
S. Clark and J. Doering
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Experimental study of formation of different types of surface ice runs
F. Unduche and J. Doering
1.16 MB
Dam break modeling on a river with ice cover – Needs and tools: Hydro-Quebec perspective
G. Tchamen, T. Quach, F. Aubin and A. Navarro Mellado
1.17 MB
River Ice Breakup Strength Criteria
F. Nzokou, B. Morse, V. Roubtsova and T. Quach
661.85 KB
Modélisation Smoothed Particule Hydrodynamics de la debacle fluviale
S. Nolin, R. Varvara et B. Morse
1.59 MB
Video of Dynamic Break-ups on the Smoky and Peace Rivers, April 2007
M. Jasek, and K. Paslawski
112.80 KB
Operational River Ice Forecasting on the Peace River – Managing Flood Risk and Hydropower Production
M. Jasek, E. Friesenhan and W. Granson
2.36 MB
Ice Jam Formation and Release Events on the Athabasca River, 2007
Y. She, F. Nzokou Tanekou, F. Hicks, B. Morse, D. Keller, J. Abarca, C. Krath, S. Nolin, E. Stander, R. Andrishak, C. Mahabir and M. Richard
2.77 MB
Étude sur l’apport des données SAR polarimétriques à la télédétection de la glace de rivière
S. Mermoz, M. Bernier, S. Allain et E. Pottier
105.36 KB
Analysis of the daily growth of an ice cover in a riffle and pool river reach, Rimouski, Qc, Ca.
J. Dubé, T. Buffin-Bélanger and N. Bergeron
114.74 KB
Field Observations of Ice Conditions in the Gros Cacouna Area during Winter of 2005
B. Wright, V. Koutitonsky and J. Tseng
102.32 KB
Remote sensing of river ice during the winter of 2006-07
S. Daly, B. Tracy and Y. Gauthier
94.83 KB
Real-time monitoring of the response of fish to changing flow levels and ice formation in rivers using PIT and PIV technologies
P. Johnston, J.-N. Bujold, F. Bérubé and N. Bergeron
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Frazil-ice blockage of Saint-Foy water intake on the St-Lawrence River
M. Richard and B. Morse
85.23 KB
Winter Ice Regime of the Lower Athabasca
J. Abarca, F. Hicks, R. Andrishak, D. Keller, C. Krath and P. Steffler
98.85 KB
Formation and evolution of the river ice cover along sedimentary links
V. Tremblay and N. Bergeron
97.84 KB
Physical characterization of air inclusions in river ice for the purpose of backscatter model
I. Gherboudji, M. Bernier, F. Hicks and R. Leconte
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