Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on the Hydraulics of Ice Covered Rivers (2001)
Ottawa, Ontario
Observations of Ice-Cover and Openwater-Lead Formation along the Fort Peck Reach of the Missouri River
R. Ettema and L. Zabilansky
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Le savoir ecologique local de la dynamique des glaces dans l’estuaire Portneuf
B. Morse, D. Messier, E. Stander and T. Quach-Thanh
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Influence of Ice Cover on Sediment Temperature and Implications for Intertidal Benthic Invertebrates on a Bay of Fundy Mudflat
V. A. Partridge
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Calibration of Ice Growth Models for Bare and Snow Covered Conditions: A Summary of Experimental Data from a Small Prairie Pond
D. D. Andres and P. G. Van Der Vinne
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Laboratory Studies of Anchor Ice Growth Using a Digital Image Processing System
M. P. Morris and J. C. Doering
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Estimation of Winter Streamflow Using a Conceptual Hydrological Model: A Case Study, Wolf Creek, Yukon Territory
A. S. Hamilton, D.G. Hutchinson, R. D. Moore
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Tests of River Ice Jam Models
R. W. Carson, D. Healy, D. Andres, F. Hicks, S. Beltaos, L. W. Liu, J. Groeneveld, H. T. Shen
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Predicting Ice Jams with Neural Networks
D. D. Massie, K. D. White, S. F. Daly and A. Soofi
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Site experimental pour le suivi des embacles de congestion
B. Morse, B. Ringo, P-E. Bergeron
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Analyse des Techniques de Correction du Debit en Presence d’un Effet de Glace
T.B.M.J. Ouarda, D. Fraucher, P. Coulibaly, B. Bobee, J-F. Cantin, and V-D. Hoang
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Modeling Snowmelt Runoff and the Effects of Climate Change in Central New York State
J. E. Zufelt, C. J. Reed and J. L. Weed
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Identification of River Ice Types on the Peace River using RADARSAT-1 SAR Imagery
F. Weber, D. Nixon and J. Hurley
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Monitoring the ice cover evolution of a medium size river from RADARSAT-1 : preliminary results
Y. Gauthier, T.B.M.J. Ouarda, M. Bernier and A. El Battay
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Integration of Ice Mechanical Properties for the Modelling of a Winter Dam Break Wave in a Series of Dams in Cascade
M. Fuamba, C. Marche and T. Quach
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Experiences of the Spring Break-up 2000 on the River Kalajoki
M. Huokuna, H. Nikkarikoski and H. Savolainen
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Maximum Waterlevels Upstream of an Ice-Control Structure
J. H. Lever and S. F. Daly
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Dynamic Simulation of Ice Condition In the Vicinity of Locks and Dams
L. Liu, A. M. Tuthill and H. T. Shen
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Ice Booms in Rivers: Lessons Learned and the Development of Reliable Solutions
R. Abdelnour
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Simple Wave and Monoclinal Waave Models of Unsteady River Flow Surges
M. G. Ferrick
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Poussees Statiques des glaces
D. Carter, E. Stander, O. Caron, J.P. Tournier, C. Pek
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Estimating Forces on an Ice Control Structure Using DEM
S. F. Daly and M. A. Hopkins
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