Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on the Hydraulics of Ice Covered Rivers (2003)
Edmonton, Alberta
Ice Thickness and Roughness Analysis on the Peace River using RADARSAT-1 SAR Imagery
M. Jasek, F. Weber and J. Hurley
1.93 MB
Monitoring Breakup Development on the Athabasca River using RADARSAT-1 SAR Imagery
K. Pelletier, F. Hicks, J. van der Sanden and Y. Du
12.67 MB
Hydraulic Interaction Between Ice and Bridges
S. Beltaos, B. Burrell, L. Miller and D. Sullivan
531.42 KB
Ice Control Structures using steel nets
B. Morse, J. Francoeur, H. Delcourt and M. Leclerc
387.35 KB
In-Situ Deflection Measuments of Ice Bridges: Results and Implications on Design
G. Van Der Vinne and D. Andres
208.59 KB
Hydraulics and Sediment Transport of a Proposed Ice Control Structure
A. L. Briggs
391.78 KB
The Friction Coefficient of a Large Ice Block on a Sand/Gravel Beach
A. Barker and G. Timco
1.72 MB
Ice-Affected Stage Frequency Development Along the Connecticut River
A.M. Tuthill, C.M. Vuyovich and K.D. White
930.74 KB
Towards a River Breakup Forecast System for the Athabasca River at Fort McMurray, AB
C. Mahabir, F. Hicks, C. Robichaud, and A. Robinson Fayek
487.73 KB
1100 Years of Ice-jam Flooding in the Peace River Delta Interpreted from Flood Bed Sediments and Ice-scarred Trees
D. G. Smith
2.39 MB
Ice Consolidation on the Peace River: Release Patterns and Downstream Surge Characteristics
D. Andres, G. Van Der Vinne, B. Johnson, G. Fonstad
498.43 KB
Tests of River Ice Jam Models – Phase 2
R.W. Carson, D. Healy, S. Beltaos, J. Groeneveld
270.08 KB
Recent Advances in Discrete Element Modeling of River Ice
M. Hopkins and S. F. Daly
800.62 KB
Observations of Dynamic Ice Jam Release on the Athabasca River at Fort McMurray, AB
T. Kowalczyk and F. Hicks
2.04 MB