Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on the Hydraulics of Ice Covered Rivers (2015)
Quebec City, Quebec
Observations of ice jam releases resulting from an incoming water wave
J. Nafziger, Y. She, F. Hicks
Student Paper
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The nature and structure of a hanging dam in a gravel-bed river
J. Vergeynst, B. Morse, B. Turcotte
Student Paper
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Field measurements of the size distribution of frazil ice particles
V. McFarlane, M. Loewen, F. Hicks
Student Paper
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Mapping River Ice Cover Breakup Induced by Hydropeaking Operations
N. Liu, J. Kells, K-E. Lindenschmidt
Student Paper
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Simulation of river ice processes in a regulated ice covered river
S. Ghareh Aghaji Zare, S. Ansari, C.D. Rennie, O. Seidou, J. Groeneveld, R. Ahsan, J. Malenchak, H. Ahmari
Student Paper
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Two-dimensional modeling of river ice cover formation during freeze-up
L. Wazney, S.P. Clark, J. Malenchak, H.T. Shen, I. Knack
Student Paper
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Impact of ice type on predicted ice load for dams
E. Kharik, V. Roubtsova, B. Morse, M. Fafard, A. Côté, A. Taras
Student Paper
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An Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Flow Characteristics Beneath an Ice Jams
H. Pahlavan, S.P. Clark, M. Wang, J. Malenchak
Student Paper
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Velocity Distribution Characterization in Channels with Partial Ice Cover
M. Peters, K. Dow, S.P. Clark, D. Danielson, J. Malenchak
Student Paper
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Ice Effects on Flow Distributions in the Mackenzie Delta
J. Blackburn, Y. She, F. Hicks, J. Nafziger
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Monitoring ice cover characteristics and behaviour along the Slave River
A. Das, T. Chu, K-E. Lindenschmidt
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IceFRONT : Integration of radar and optical images for operational river freeze-up monitoring
Y. Gauthier, S. Hardy, C. Gutiérrez, A. Padel, J. Gaudreau, J. Poulin, M. Jasek, M. Bernier, H. Gomez, A. Roth
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Ten Years of SWIPS Profiling in the Peace River : Looking Up, Back, Ahead, and, possibliy, Down
J. Buermans, J.R. Marko, D.R. Topham, M. Jasek
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Significance of Javes in Transporting Suspended Sediment during River Ice Breakup
S. Beltaos
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Anchor Ice Waves and their Impact on Winter Ice Cover Stability
M. Jasek, H.T. Shen, J. Pan, K. Paslawski
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Observations of Anchor Ice Formation and Rafting of Sediments
H. Kalke, M. Loewen, V. McFarlane, M. Jasek
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The Principle and Design of Cascade of Ice-Control Structures for Small River – Case Study River Uskelanjoki
O-M. Verta and T. Pohjamo
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Ice-induced flooding mitigation at St. Raymond, QC, Canada
B. Turcotte and B. Morse
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CRREL’s Ice Jam Database : Improvements and Updates
M.L. Carr, S.P. Gaughan, C.R. George, J.G. Mason
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2DH numerical simulation of ice dynamic during break up
A. Oveisy, Y.B. Dibike, T.D. Prowse, S. Beltaos, E. Goede
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